Eating Disorder Prevention to Schools Presentation Slides
Ready-to-use, customizable PowerPoint presentation slides.
What's Eating Our Kids and What to Do About It: Teaching Nutrition & Preventing Eating Disorders is a presentation designed by Jessica Setnick to educate school nurses, teachers, administration and parents of preschool through high school students.
It is unbranded and fully customizable so that you can use the slides as is or edit/delete as you wish.
Each of the 38 slides has one main talking point backed by colorful photos of a wide variety of children and teens.
Your order will include a link to download the unbranded and fully editable PowerPoint slide deck of 38 editable slides including a handout master set up for 6 slides per page
It is unbranded and fully customizable so that you can use the slides as is or edit/delete as you wish.
Each of the 38 slides has one main talking point backed by colorful photos of a wide variety of children and teens.
Your order will include a link to download the unbranded and fully editable PowerPoint slide deck of 38 editable slides including a handout master set up for 6 slides per page