Eating Disorder Book of Hope and Healing

With 22 reminders including messages about self-care, checking in on emotions, self-image and more, The Eating Disorder Book of Hope and Healing can also be used in group. Read one card and ask each person to share how it relates to their recovery, or hand out one card to each person.
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Do you ever wish you had something to give your clients to help them remember your wise words outside of sessions? The Eating Disorder Book of Hope and Healing is just what you’ve been looking for.

With 22 reminders including messages about self-care, checking in on emotions, self-image and more, The Eating Disorder Book of Hope and Healing can also be used in group. Read one card and ask each person to share how it relates to their recovery, or hand out one card to each person.

The Eating Disorder Book of Hope and Healing also makes a fabulous, recovery-oriented holiday gift for colleagues, or slip your business cards into the drawstring pouch for a promotional leave behind.